Education – The competency based approach: setting the standard for modern day learning.

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Ever since its induction into the education system a few years back, the competence based approach of learning is the most common in institutions across the national boundaries. Tailored to meet the ever growing need of professionals in today’s world, this system  permits learners to progress based on their ability to master a skill or competency at their own pace regardless of the environment. One school that has  fully grasped the concept of this teaching approach is Lovrich standard international bilingual complex, located in Youpwe, Douala.
Mrs Ngwesse lovel  EMAMBO, a teacher and a pedagogic adviser for the littoral region.

It was founded in September 2019 by Mrs Ngwesse lovel  EMAMBO, a teacher and a pedagogic adviser for the littoral region. This establishment stands out in the economic capital as one of the few institutions to have fully understood the need for this system in schools, implementing  it at all levels. Right from August 2019 when Lovrich opened its doors to learners, it has been operating under the Competence Based approach program with students taught to use the knowledge acquired in classrooms to solve daily problems.

EXT:  » I have known of this approach for decades and it is not something new to me because it has been applied since the creation of Lovrich standard international bilingual complex. It involves the use of knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired to solve daily problems. Teaching before this concept was based more on certification but not skills. » Say proprietress EMAMBO NJUME


Well aware of the responsibilities of teachers in molding future leaders, Lovrich conducts  training for its Educators annually. This batch of experience and competent teachers help showcase the strength of the community while maintaining a healthy teacher and student relationship. The college prides itself as the best in youpwe , offering Art, Science and Commercial education for both the first and second cycle at an affordable fees.

EXT:  » We have a one month intensive training every year to drill and train teachers on the new approach and on other pedagogic strategies, rules and principles. In short, we train a teacher to be a holistic person to teach effectively, be a role model and automatically bring out the best of learners… We also make children value learning and apply it in their day to day activities. For example if you teach a child history, the question you ask yourself is how can this child use this knowledge in day to day activities rather than memorizing for public exams »  She continues

Despite the enormous work done and the academic excellence recorded by some of its scholars in the municipality, the administration of Lovrich strives to continue impacting lives and families through good education.

« So far I won’t say satisfaction is at its maximum. The teachers of Lovrich are cautious with the training in deontology and professional ethics for them to be role models.This is done with continuous training and strict supervision. However more still has to be done inorder to reach maximum success. »
Added Mrs Ngwesse lovel  EMAMBO

With clear cutted objectives, parents in and out of youpwe who crave for a safe and secured learning environment with professional teachers and guidance should consider enrolling their children at Lovrich.

« My word goes out to students ,parents, teachers and elites of youpwe to use this as an opportunity to support the vision of the school and to put aside the idea that it’s just out for money making. I plead with parents to seize this opportunity to support us and understand that we are the very best at a very low cost and a place to be « 
She conclude.

Lovrich is the cradle of academic excellence
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